Issue 14: The Collaborative Practice®

Celebrating a Year of Innovation and Insight in Clinical Pharmacy and Ambulatory Care

As we close another impactful year at RxLive, we reflect on the pivotal role of clinical pharmacists in shaping the future of healthcare. This year’s journey through “The Collaborative Practice® ” has unveiled a tapestry of insights, innovations, and inspirations. Our topics have underscored the evolving and indispensable role of clinical pharmacists in our healthcare system.

Reflecting on the year’s journey (and it was a long journey according to the topics covered below), we see a landscape rich with potential and promise. The role of the clinical pharmacist continues to evolve, marked by innovation, advocacy, and an unwavering commitment to patient care. As we step into the future, let’s carry forward the insights and inspirations from this year, continuing to elevate the practice of pharmacy to new heights.

Happy Holidays!
The Team @ RxLive

Spotlight Interview:

2023 Summaries

January: Thu Nguyen on Transitions of Care

Thu Nguyen underlined the critical role of pharmacists in transitions of care, emphasizing effective communication and collaboration across healthcare teams. She highlighted the impact of pharmacists in ensuring continuity and safety in medication management during patient transitions between care settings.

“Integration is a huge factor that contributes to the success of a transitions-of-care service. So everybody needs to be on board.”
– Thu Nguyen, PharmD

February: Ernie Anderson on Pharmacy Leadership

Ernie Anderson discussed the intricate balance required in pharmacy leadership between managing budgets and fulfilling clinical needs. He emphasized the necessity for pharmacy leaders to have a strong financial acumen and the capacity to lead proactively, ensuring optimal patient care without compromising fiscal responsibilities.

“You have to be aggressive when you go to the table. You have to understand the whole picture.”
– Ernie Anderson, PharmD, MS, FASHP, FMSHP 

March: Lynn Eschenbacher on Clinical Pharmacy Impact

Lynn Eschenbacher explored the significant impact of clinical pharmacy in transitioning healthcare from a cost-centric to an outcome-focused approach. She highlighted how clinical pharmacists are pivotal in enhancing access, affordability, and adherence to medications, thereby improving overall healthcare delivery.

“Thinking outside the 4 walls of the hospital is important… we need to ensure processes and infrastructure for patients across the continuum of care.”
– Lynn Eschenbacher, PharmD, MBA, FASHP, CPEL

April: Kathy Baldwin on Pharmacy Advocacy

Kathy Baldwin focused on the essential need for pharmacists to advocate for their role in healthcare. She shared her experiences in changing public perceptions and influencing legislative support for collaborative practice agreements, underlining the importance of pharmacists being recognized as integral healthcare providers.

“Pharmacists must control our own narrative… we are essential healthcare providers and part of the team.”
– Kathy Baldwin, PharmD, MA, BCPS, CPh, FASHP

May: Heather Brooks on 340B Program Management

Heather Brooks provided insights into the complexities of managing 340B programs. She stressed the importance of data-driven decision-making and highlighted how pharmacists play a vital role in maintaining patient access to affordable medications within these programs.

June: Tricia Killingsworth on Virtual Care in Pharmacy

Tricia Killingsworth discussed the growing significance of virtual care in pharmacy practice. She focused on how technological advancements can extend the reach of pharmacists, enhancing patient care and medication management through virtual platforms.

“We discovered that the more accurate information we could have, the easier the conversation, allowing us to dig into not just what was on the list, but how patients were really taking their medications.”
– Tricia Killingsworth, PharmD

July: Marianne Ivey on Integrated Healthcare Systems

Marianne Ivey shared her expertise in building integrated healthcare systems. She emphasized the critical role of information technology and the need for a multidisciplinary approach, including diverse perspectives, for effective healthcare management.

August: Kim Boyd on Pharmacy Interoperability

Kim Boyd highlighted the importance of data interoperability in pharmacy to promote health equity. She discussed how large-scale data aggregation can facilitate population health management and improve healthcare outcomes.

September: Bonnie Kirschenbaum on Pharmacy Finance

Bonnie Kirschenbaum explored the financial dimensions of pharmacy practice. She underscored the necessity of precise documentation and innovative revenue generation strategies in the evolving landscape of value-based care networks.

October: Karen Handmaker on Health Equity

Karen Handmaker focused on approaches to achieving health equity in pharmacy. She emphasized the role of data-informed telepharmacy and value-based care in mitigating disparities, particularly in underserved areas known as pharmacy deserts.

“The more hands on deck, the more actionable information we get.”
– Karen Handmaker

November: Mark Engelen on the Future of Pharmacy

Mark Engelen shared his insights on the future trajectory of clinical pharmacy. He discussed the transformative impact of emerging technologies like AI, along with the evolution of collaborative practice models, in shaping the future of healthcare delivery.

“Technology is not just changing the way we work; it’s changing the way we think about health care.”
– Mark Engelen

Spotlight Interview: Key Themes

Key themes emerged, demonstrating advancements in patient care, technology, public health, and collaborative practice. These themes not only mirror the current landscape of pharmacy but also indicate its future direction.

2023 Key Themes:

  • Advocacy and Evolution of Pharmacy: Highlighting pharmacists’ evolving roles and advocating for their recognition as essential healthcare providers, this theme reflects their shift from traditional to dynamic roles in healthcare.
  • Patient-Centered Care with Technological Integration: Focusing on patient education, medication adherence, and personalized care, enhanced by digital innovations such as AI, telepharmacy, and mobile health apps.
  • Value-Based Care and Public Health Leadership: Emphasizing pharmacy leaders’ roles in healthcare quality, cost reduction, and addressing public health disparities through community initiatives and targeted interventions.
  • Collaborative Care and Transitions Management: Underlining the importance of pharmacists in multidisciplinary teams and their crucial role in managing medication continuity and safety during care transitions.

Spotlight Interview:
Future Vision and Innovation

We’ve identified key advancements shaping the future of clinical pharmacy. These developments highlight the potential and direction for clinical pharmacists’ growing impact in healthcare

The top 5 areas discussed for future vision and pharmacy innovation are:

  • Value-Based Care: Emphasizing pharmacists’ role in enhancing patient outcomes within value-based healthcare models.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Focus on utilizing data analytics for informed medication management and patient care.
  • Technology Integration: Exploring the growing impact of digital health tools, telepharmacy, and AI in pharmacy practice.
  • Patient-Centered Care: Prioritizing personalized approaches in medication management and patient education.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Advocating for teamwork between pharmacists and other healthcare professionals for comprehensive care.

Patient Case Highlights

As we look back on patient cases this past year, it’s evident that pharmacists have made an extraordinary impact in various aspects of patient care. Highlighted below are the key themes from patient case examples shared in our newsletter:

  • Financial Aid and Cost Management
  • Medication Adjustment and Safety
  • Chronic Disease Management
  • Symptom-specific Medication Selection
  • Proactive Risk Reduction in Chronic Conditions
  • Patient Education and Dosage Optimization
  • Addressing SDOH & Age-Related Health Concerns
  • Guideline-based Therapy Recommendations
  • Complex Medication Management and Deprescribing

Stay In Touch with RxLive!


We look forward to deepening our connections and collaborating to elevate the role of pharmacist. We value your engagement and contributions. Here are key ways to get involved:

  • 1. Discover RxLive’s Value-Based Pharmacy Solutions: Curious about how RxLive can benefit your ACO, health system, or physician practice? Contact us for a detailed discussion on our cutting-edge pharmacy solutions.

  • 2. Contribute Topics for 2024: Have suggestions for our 2024 Collaborative Practices series? We’re open to your ideas and keen to cover topics that matter to you. Simply reply to this newsletter email with your topics. 

  • 3. Become Part of the RxLive Network: If you’re a pharmacist seeking to broaden your horizons and impact healthcare, join the RxLive network. We’re looking for dedicated professionals who are driven to innovate.

Remember to follow RxLive on LinkedIn and keep up with The Collaborative Practice Newsletter. Your input is crucial to our shared progress, so don’t hesitate to reach out and engage with us.

Chandler Scoco